Testosterone Talk: Why Men Need to Play It Smart

Let’s cut to the chase, fellas: testosterone matters. It’s not just about bulging biceps and booming voices. We’re talking about the fuel that powers your energy levels, libido, bone density, immunity, and even your mood. And lately, there’s been a worrying trend – testosterone levels, especially among younger men, are declining. It’s like a silent storm brewing under the hood, and we need to get ahead of it.

Why the Alarm Bells Are Ringing:

A recent European study revealed a significant nosedive in testosterone levels among young American men between 1999 and 2016. This decline persisted even after accounting for factors like age, body mass index, and health conditions. This isn’t just a blip on a lab report – it’s a wake-up call. And one symptom of this concerning trend? The changing landscape of lab reference ranges.

In 2017, LabCorp, a major lab testing company, adjusted their standards for testosterone, pushing the “normal” range downward. This means that many men who were once considered low are now categorized as normal, highlighting the need for personalized assessments beyond generalized standards.

The reasons for this downward trend are complex and multifaceted. Environmental toxins, dietary factors, chronic stress, and even the ubiquitous presence of plastics all play a role. But whatever the root cause, the reality is clear: this isn’t just a numbers game on a lab report. It’s a wake-up call for men’s health.

Knowing Your Numbers: The Importance of Biomarkers

This is why at MyHealth1st, we don’t rely solely on generalized standards. We believe in optimizing your unique hormonal profile through personalized biomarker testing. Measuring your free and total testosterone levels provides a clearer picture of your individual health and allows us to track changes over time. This way, we can identify and address potential issues early on, even if you fall within the “normal” range according to a population average.

Chart showing a MyHealth1st patient’s Total Testosterone increase after pellet therapy, from an initial level of 516 ng/dL to consistently above 1000 ng/dL, demonstrating the effectiveness of our tailored hormone treatments.

Optimizing Testosterone: Reclaiming Your Vitality

The LabCorp shift emphasizes that “normal” doesn’t always equate to optimal. If you’re experiencing symptoms like fatigue, decreased libido, or brain fog, it might be time to explore options for optimization. We offer a range of holistic, evidence-based solutions.

  • For young men seeking natural solutions: We advocate for using Clomiphene to stimulate the body’s own testosterone production, preserving fertility while boosting levels.
  • For older men past their fertile years: Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, like our highly recommended bioidentical hormone pellets, offers a safe and effective way to restore testosterone levels to their natural range. Our pellets provide consistent hormone delivery through a simple procedure, only requiring reinsertion only every 4-5 months. We also offer compounded testosterone injections for those who prefer this method.

Take Control of Your Testosterone Today

Remember, low testosterone isn’t just a number on a lab report. It’s a potential indicator of broader health concerns. Don’t hesitate to seek personalized advice and explore evidence-based solutions like those offered at MyHealth1st. By taking control of your hormonal health, you can reclaim your vitality and live a life fueled by optimal testosterone levels.

If you have any questions or want to start your journey towards balanced health and vitality, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support you every step of the way.



  1. Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA
  2. Low Testosterone in Adolescents & Young Adults
  3. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men in the Primary Care Setting
  4. Low serum testosterone and mortality in male veterans
  5. Endogenous testosterone and mortality due to all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer in men: European prospective investigation into cancer in Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) Prospective Population Study