Our Approach

In today’s healthcare maze, patients often grapple with more than just their health issues. Treatment options can be constrained by insurance limitations, pharmaceutical interests, and time-pressured physicians, leading to a system that might mask symptoms but falls short of restoring true health.

At our clinic in Winston-Salem, NC, we venture on a different path through holistic care. By prioritizing you and cultivating a partnership for your optimal wellbeing, we honor your unique needs and the active role you play in your wellness journey. Merging modern science and timeless wisdom, we aim to empower you with the understanding and tools needed to reclaim your health. With us, you’re not just treating symptoms – you’re transforming your whole person.

We’ll walk you through it.

What is your main health concern?

For those with complex or unclear health issues, seeking deeper answers and treatments.
  • Mood disorders that don’t fit a typical diagnosis
  • Chronic fatigue or illnesses that remain undefined
  • Mystery symptoms traditional healthcare couldn’t pinpoint
  • Chronic autoimmune diseases or inflammatory disorders
  • Recurrent infections or immune system irregularities
  • Environmental sensitivities, including mold or chemical exposures
  • Persistent gastrointestinal issues like IBS, Crohn’s, or unexplained food sensitivities

In the past you may have been given a constellation of diagnoses by many different doctors of varying specialties. We ask you to leave these diagnoses at the door. Now, we can discover the root causes of your symptoms and what your body is saying.

Unraveling Your Unique Health Journey

Our Health Timeline is more than a consultation; it’s a comprehensive exploration of your story. 

What to Expect:

  • Holistic Understanding: In a dedicated 90-120 minute session, your provider dives deeply into your past, pinpointing patterns and pivotal life events that have impacted you.
  • A Different Approach: Unlike traditional “new patient” visits, where symptoms are primarily addressed, your provider aims to uncover the root causes of your health challenges, providing a richer, more nuanced understanding.
  • Tailored Next Steps: From the insights of your Health Timeline, your provider suggests specific tests and dietary modifications, setting the stage for the comprehensive “Biomarker Assessment”. This ensures your ensuing treatment journey is tailored and effective.

Your Health, Illuminated

Unlocking your health’s complexities, our Biomarker Assessment paints a detailed picture of your unique biological landscape.

Key Insights:

  • Beyond the Surface: While you might not always feel the storm brewing beneath, many without acute or visible chronic issues harbor abnormal labs, tipping towards potential health complications. Our mission? To intercept and optimize these markers before they manifest as larger issues.
  • The Blueprint of Your Health: Biomarkers don’t just indicate symptoms; they spotlight the root causes. By digging into these physiological tales, we’re able to align treatments with the actual underlying concerns, propelling you toward genuine vitality and optimal health.
  • Evidence-Based Decisions: Our commitment lies in practicing precision medicine. By interpreting the subtle indicators in your blood, we gain an objective perspective on your health, sidestepping the limitations of assumptions or generic diagnoses.
  • Measure, Treat, Measure, Repeat: Our philosophy is clear and potent. Upon identifying an abnormal or suboptimal biomarker, we craft a tailored treatment strategy to heal your body. By subsequently re-measuring the marker and fine-tuning treatments based on live data, we ensure superior health outcomes.

Your assessment usually involves a panel of lab markers predominantly sourced from LabCorp. Depending on individual needs, some might require more specialized testing from our esteemed lab affiliates like DHA Laboratory, Doctor’s Data, Genova, and others.

For those in the midst of restoring their health, the active management approach is all about regaining balance and vitality.
  • Tailored Holistic Plan: Grounded in the insights from your biomarker patterns, we curate a comprehensive protocol exclusively for you. This encapsulates dietary guidance, advanced nutritional support, exercise, and the oversight of any ongoing prescription medications.
  • Additional Therapies & Assessments: Depending on your unique needs, our providers may recommend supplementary treatments and evaluations integral to your recuperation.
  • Timed Reassessment: Health isn’t static. After the initial implementation of your personalized protocol, we typically schedule reassessments within a 1-6 month window. This ensures the continued relevance and effectiveness of your health plan.
Once the foundational health issues are addressed, or for those already in a good health stance, we transition to a preventive mode.
  • Guaranteed Longevity: As you journey through life, our role is to ensure that it’s in the healthiest manner possible. This involves dietary advice, periodic health screenings like Thermography, and other vital support systems.
  • Supportive Therapies: Your health deserves only the best. Whether it’s advanced nutritional backing, guidance on current medications, or innovative peptide therapy, we’ve got you covered.
  • Maintenance Biomarkers: Think of these as the guardians of your health. These lab markers serve as a predictive toolset, allowing us to define and uphold wellness across all facets of your being. By addressing these holistically and monitoring them regularly, we ensure your well-being remains optimized.

Health isn’t a destination; it’s an ongoing journey. As life evolves, we remain steadfast in our promise to adapt and recalibrate treatments as needed. Our ‘Measure, Treat, Measure, Repeat’ mantra encapsulates this dynamic approach, promising you a resilient path to enduring wellness.

For those feeling not quite right but without an acute diagnosis.
  • Unexplained weight gain or challenges with weight loss
  • Sexual health or fertility concerns
  • Sleep disturbances without a clear cause
  • Hormonal imbalances, from PCOS to peri-menopause and andropause
  • General fatigue or frequent “off” days
  • Minor yet persistent digestive complaints
  • Unease with solely pharmaceutical approaches to wellness 

In the past you may have been given a constellation of diagnoses by many different doctors of varying specialties. We ask you to leave these diagnoses at the door. Now, we can discover the common thread between your symptoms and what your body is saying.

For proactive individuals prioritizing health and longevity.
  • Interest in athletic or physical performance optimization
  • Desire for aging gracefully, with vitality and wellness
  • Looking to tailor diet and lifestyle for optimal health
  • Seeking periodic health screening beyond the typical “wellness check”
  • Curiosity about preventive measures for common age-related concerns
  • Wanting a deeper understanding of personal biomarkers and health indicators

In the past you may have been given a constellation of diagnoses by many different doctors of varying specialties. We ask you to leave these diagnoses at the door. Now, we can discover the common thread between your symptoms and what your body is saying.